Kids in Kansas

Jump to.... Tommy Bryan Alex

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the kids can grow.

In one breath...   They still are our babies...
but they are growing into adorable young men....

It makes you wonder how the time slipped through your fingers....



steps_tommy Tommy will turn 10 this year.

He has a desire to learn, and pushes himself to achieve more than anyone else.  Is that a gene of the first born?

Math, Sports, hey... anyone up for a game of chess?


Bryan will turn 8 this year.

The artistic side has not slowed down one bit.  He continues to write and create his own comic books and stories.

Earlier he misunderstood an assignment at school - to read an hour a day.  This just encouraged his appetitite to read.  Later, the discovery was that an hour a week would do!



steps_alex Alex turns 6 this year.

He is definately a handfull.  An early accomplishment was to receive the Presidential Award for Fitness.  He broke the Kindergarden record for pull-ups and went on to do a total of 13.  A fifth grader holds the school record at 17.

In the picture he is standing on a landing with a bannister above.  And a doorway to the left of his belt-loops.

During the first week in the house.  Patti caught him using the bannister above for a balance beam.  Jumping from ahigh to the landing he is standing on. 

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