

house.bmp (230454 bytes) Leaving Florida to head to Kansas was a big decision.
Deltona had been a home for us for many years.  And with our luck with Real Estate; it didn't look likely that something would happen.

Regardless... any move had to be the right decision for us as a family.

Sprint gave us the opportunity to do just that.


house_bbal.bmp (230454 bytes) We hope we have learned from some of our Home Buying Decisions.

We fell in love with the neighborhood, Brittany Meadows.  The kids can walk to school.  It is just a few blocks away.  The majority of the walk to school is over a bridge and through a park.

The classes are small.  Each neighborhood has a school.  This is fun, since their classmates live next door.


house_bbal2.bmp (230454 bytes) Most everyone that we chat with asks us how we like the plains.  What struck us more about the terrain in Kansas City / Olathe is that it is not FLAT.  We have rolling hills, that remind us of Tennessee, and a little like the Carolina's.

A noticeable change for us is The Weather.

We understand that we moved here at the end of the season.  But it did give us a taste of cool nights.  And the infamous wind that can send a chill to the bone.

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